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In this webinar, Bethan Johnson will analyse trends in the financial activities of right-wing extremists and terrorists around the world. Bethan will also discuss the impact of the global pandemic on the present and future of right-wing extremist financing. Based in the University of Cambridge, Bethan Johnson is an award-winning scholar on modern extremist and terrorist ideologies, with a particular focus on recruitment techniques and terrorist financing.

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Sobaka june–july 2023
CTF Online Symposium No. 5: Financing Right-Wing Extremism and Terrorism
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CTF Online Symposium No. 5: Financing Right-Wing Extremism and Terrorism
Sosialisasi Penyelenggaraan Satu Data Indonesia (SDI) Kabupaten Rejang Lebong Tahun 2022.
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(PDF) Любительские фото: визуальная культура повседневности | Olga Boitsova - klimatcentr-102.ru

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